My Christian Leader's Top 40

AFTER I drafted these points below I asked myself, "Does the Church really need another 'leadership' article?" Whilst my answer was in the negative, I thought it was still worthwhile to hone and publish these points for clarity in my own thinking. Perhaps they're beneficial for your thinking, too?

First, my 'qualifications' as a leader from which this list is gleaned. Mainly experience in the secular workforce, professionally. But I did get my first 'diploma' in team leadership nearly twenty years ago. I've most often been required to provide leadership rather than be the assigned leader. And the style of my leadership has most often been as facilitator of groups or mentor to individuals. As an advisor, the power I've had to utilise has been personal and information, to achieve results through others because of influence, rather than through actual positional power.

Perhaps you'll read the following list and determine for yourself my 'qualifications' based on how you feel about what I've written.

So, here goes. Here is my Top 40 list of traits of good Christian leaders.


1. Reward innovation - a competent leader knows they need good minds. They reward thinking that innovates. There's no such thing as 'leave your brain at the gate' for a good Christian leader. Of course, roles boundaries help with context.

2. Punish nothing - why suppress love? In leadership, tough love can easily morph into abuse. The punitive motive does not seek for the best in the one who's led. Let a consequence be its own punishment. Punish no further. Permeate the relational dynamic with grace. At times a lesson needs to be learned, but no 'interest' ought to be added.

3. Embrace heart - passion is pivotal in the Kingdom of God. As a leader, I want to embrace people's passion, believing it's Holy Spirit inspired.

4. Talk holiness - akin to Deuteronomy 6:4-9, it's the leader's responsibility to talk up the Word and will of God, and the Lord's revelation at works in our lives.

5. Use process - I prefer the Ian Macdonald Systems Leadership process for team leadership and team membership, which I was introduced to in 1993. Such a process values the roles of all players in the team. Competent leaders appreciate the importance of fair, efficient and effective process, which is above all well communicated.

6. Teach enjoyment - passion comes from joy, and leaders understand that connection. Joy is intrinsically motivating and a leader typifying joy exudes what most want as a trait of their being.

7. Listen intently - the best leaders are humble enough to listen in a way that the one who talks with them feels they're the only ones present in that space at that time.

8. Nurture authenticity - it can be hard work being ourselves. Some need permission. Others just find it plain hard. Others, again, do it well; encourage them within the group. Authenticity will then be unlocked because people won't be afraid of being vulnerable because it's valued.

9. Exemplify encouragement - the competent leader is an encourager. They model what they value that everyone should do. These types of leaders don't believe encouragement is an exclusive gift given to some; encouragement is seen as a fruit of the Spirit in terms of kindness.

10. Value history - a good leader understands they stand on the shoulders of others before them. They understand nothing is foundationless, and they give credit where it's due.

11. Take responsibility - a good leader understands the value of taking the blame for things that go wrong. They know it's the system of leadership that needs fixing, not people. This creates a sense of safety and wellbeing in people.

12. Regularly debrief - many things and events are honoured and helped by simply taking stock. A good leader plays a capable counsellor when required. This pastoral concern shows people where their leader's heart is at.

13. Make time - time is space and space made means people feel valued, respected, and safe. This is a radical concept in our age. But its wisdom is eternal.

14. Communicate clearly - the good leader knows that communication is more than what is said; it's what's not said, as well as what's communicated intrapersonally through what work of reflection done - often days and weeks after a crucial conversation took place. Communication is not just a once-it-happened event. Meaning changes all the time.

15. Are conventionally radical - the competent leader makes what adds value, but looks radical, something of convention. Love is radical, yet love is not extremism; it's of such value what's radical becomes conventional. We might call it innovation.

16. Are carefully accountable - a good leader doesn't use accountability to club people over the head. They themselves exemplify a measured and proactive careful accountability, so when they exercise it, it's genuine, appreciated, and value-adding.

17. Embody advocacy - a good leader respects that what appears to be a small thing to others is a big thing to another person. They advocate gently though firmly for the individual with a lone voice.

18. Retain perspective - little things given outweighing power can render projects inefficient and ineffective. The leader leads by asking "How important is this?" with the implied answer, "Not very."

19. Manage crises - leaders of stature manage crises as cognitive challenges, not as emotional battles. Good leaders are realistic, but in a crisis they become situationally optimistic to lead others through the turmoil.

20. Clarify roles - a good leader gives everyone a distinct role; and, as much as possible, each role is equally pivotal in comparison with others' roles. People appreciate being of value to the purpose of the whole.

21. Trust results - a good leader knows that sound input equals valuable output which equals transformational outcomes. They know good results will come.

22. Are positively appreciative - a good leader uses appreciative enquiry (AI). They recognise more is gained in focusing on strength than weakness.

23. Are ever gentle - in an oft violent world, a good leader is a paragon of safety, assurance, and peace. With a good leader everyone is safe.

24. Endure failure - the competent leader doesn't make much of failure other than where the system failed. Good leaders accept and appreciate that human factors of failure are inevitable.

25. Celebrate humbly - success is a sign of synergy. A good leader uses success to remind the team of T.E.A.M. (Treat Each Actual Member).

26. Lift underdogs - in keeping with John 3:30, a good leader shows where love abounds: in lifting underdogs from the ground.

27. Are steadily faithful - a good leader is emotionally adult. They're emotionally reliable and stable, and are worthy of the trust that's placed in them.

28. Enable diversity - competent leaders appreciate difference, acknowledging sameness of thought and ideal as a limiting sign. Adversity is embraced in a diverse culture, and disagreement is fostered and wrestled with. A good leader encourages disagreement in order that it might be discussed maturely.

29. Relinquish control - a good leader is not a bad manager. They understand the corrosive nature of a leader's positional power. They'd much prefer to use personal power to endear themselves to others and information power to empower others.

30. Have loving resolve - a leader never gives up when that's easily the expectation. At the end of a good leader is the second-wind dependence on God, who inspires and innovates through them once more by his Spirit.

31. Enjoy moments - a good leader is alive spiritually, and they maximise awareness of the moment.

32. Are the blessed - the blessed of the Beatitudes. The biblical leader understands the power in the Kingdom reversal - that things that seem against us are for us when we continue via faith.

33. Shelve ambition - progress and achievement are about team and Kingdom, and ultimately God. The good leader doesn't get the cart before the horse. They achieve their personal goals through the noble works of working with and for others.

34. Are happy dying - the good leader is happy either dying to themselves, or in the actual practice of dying itself. They live within the tensions of the truth of Philippians 1:23-24.

35. Shun fame - too much notoriety is not good for anyone. The good leader withdraws from popularity as much as they can. And they recognise their own envy at others' success, and they resist that, too.

36. Love family - what sort of witness are we to the veracity of the Kingdom if our families are in a shambles? Yet, the good leader is happy to learn from their errors. But family is one area they're keen to do right - as much as possible. Family comes first, always.

37. Rest well - good leaders take care to get their rest and so not be a burden on others - so far as it depends on them - due to their weariness. But an exhausted leader also brings glory to God when they deal gracefully in their weakness.

38. Value compassion - having had their heart awakened, a good leader won't fail in the area of compassion. They sense they need time to replenish when their compassion is fatigued. They see compassion as the gauge of their godliness.

39. Are self-aware - a great skill of momentary reflection that good leaders personify. Their self-awareness causes them to repent, and often.

40. Desire God - no greater esteem has a leader got to give than their esteem of God who leads them ever by his Spirit. Worship of God is their number one love.

© 2016 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Baptist pastor who holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

7 Important Steps of the Christian Wedding Ceremony

The Christian wedding ceremony is an important ceremony for those who celebrate this religion. The ceremony is filled with multiple steps that are an important for the religion and for the couple involved. Those who do not follow the Christian faith may be a little confused by the entire ceremony. If you are going to attend a Christian wedding, you will want to know what you should expect. These are seven of the most important steps of the wedding for this religion.

Important Family Members are Seated

The first part of the actual processional includes the important family members of those who are to be married. This includes the parents and grandparents of both the bride and groom. It may include aunts and uncles who have been an important part of the lives of the bride and groom as well.

The Processional

The processional is the most well known part of the Christian wedding. The processional introduces the wedding part and eventually introduces the bride and groom to the wedding ceremony.

The Prayer

Most Christian weddings will have a prayer directly following the processional. This prayer will change based on the wishes of the bride and groom, and the priest that is performing the ceremony. Those who are uncomfortable with prayer from other religions should know that the prayer will be said out loud to the entire group.

The Pledge and the Wedding Vows

The bride and groom will then pledge to the congregation that they are willfully going through the wedding ceremony. They will then exchange wedding vows. While some will choose to stick with the usual wedding vows, others will write their own vows. They may do this with the usual vows, or in place of the usual vows.

Ring Exchange

The couple will then go through the usual ring exchange of the wedding. Some couples will choose to say their own vows during this time instead of replacing the usual wedding vows.

Unity Candle

The Unity Candle is not always a part of the Christian wedding. Some couples will choose to light a candle together before their wedding ceremony has finished. This is a symbolic tradition that shows the unity of the couple as they start their journey together.

Prayer and Presentation

The priest will then say a final prayer to bless the new couple. The groom will then be told that he can kiss his bride. The couple is presented as a couple for the first time, and will then exit the church.

There are multiple steps to the Christian wedding ceremony. While some steps are staples in every ceremony, others may change depending on the wedding. There will be different rituals and traditions that some may use during their weddings. With that being said, these steps will give you a good idea as to what to expect when you attend this wedding.

Top Traits That Make Christian Fictions Ideal for Kids

There was a time when Christian fictions were widely criticized for being old-fashioned, poorly written, overtly preachy and boring. But with time, this specific genre of novel has gone through several interesting evolutions, where several new writers have come in and produced exceptional pieces of fictions.

Of late this particular segment of Christian novels, stress on simple illustration of the biblical annotations through a catchy story plot and intriguing characterization. Moreover, contemporary authors of such fictions focus on combining traditional biblical spirituality along with a popular theme involving romance or thriller. This is one important aspect that has made today's Christian fictions an ideal reading option for avid readers of all ages. It is interesting to note that while these novels work as a source of inspiration for people who want to de-stress and imbibe positivity in their life, it is equally helpful for kids, as well. Let us now have a look at the reasons why:-

• Encouraging Children Towards Positivity

Kids relate themselves with the characters of a story. In such circumstances, reading Christian fictions can help them to get inspiration from the characters. These novels often portray real life implications through anecdotes and as such it is easier for the kids to understand the complex aspects of life. Moreover, reading these novels at regular intervals can actually help children to develop a positive outlook towards life, which eventually proves beneficial for their moral character development.

• Kids Relate more to Stories than Straight Facts

It is important to note that the Bible teaches us the lessons of the life through stories that are intriguing to read and easier to understand. Similarly, the Christians fictions also portray the real implications of life through a story that involves a specific theme. Kids relate more to stories and not boring straight facts and thus, they find the fictions intriguing almost instantly.

• Helps Children to Stay in the Right Path

In this world full of hatred and complexities, novels written from a spiritual perspective can actually serve as a shelter for the kids. These books can actually encourage the children to stay at the right path when everything around seems to get engulfed by the dark clouds of hatred and terror. Bringing them closer to Christian novels can actually help in broadening their scope of thoughts and enhance their decision taking abilities.

Apart from this, reading these books at regular intervals can actually help them to indulge more in books, which enhances their reading skills and power to imagine.

Rajib KR Saha is a renowned article writer who loves to write on several topics related to fictions and novels. He suggest the readers to read the novels written by great Christian authors to know more about the real implications of Bible.

First Christian Religion of The Modern Era

The only truth about its origin that the Roman Catholic Church puts out there is that it is the first Christian religion of the modern era. But it was not the first overall. The religion of Krishna was around a long time before and many other 'Christs' were known before him. It purports that it was founded by Jesus Christ at Pentecost and is, therefore, the only true church but the facts behind its being are far different and not something the Vatican wants known.

History records that Emperor Constantine established the religion at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and that he did so after murdering his way to sole rule. The last relative on his list of the slain was his eldest son, Crispus, who died because he had been elevated to the role of Caesar in order to help his father defeat Vicinius, the last barrier to achieving that status.

Not only his son but also the mother of Crispus, were put to death. Counted among the murdered were his sisters, nephews, nieces, and others. What is not generally known about Constantine is that he was Islamic. His ancestry is Assyria and the Amors who built Roma (reverse Amor).

The Vatican was founded as a parliament to control the unwieldy empire through the bishops and priests and, therefore, he used spirituality as his chief weapon. His edicts ordered anyone who refused to worship as he directed would be killed. Many were tortured or enslaved in salt mines, on ships, or as servants.

The Roman Empire of the time was akin to the Islamic State of Isis today. The difference is that much of the history has been erased and worked over to add credibility to its cause.

The evidence concerning the establishment of the first Christian religion of the modern era is set out in full on this site and is part of the promise to reveal all at the end of the day. Only one could be chosen to learn the facts and put them where everyone can read them. It is called the mountain of God and it is built now.

Online Dating for Christian Singles and Christian Dating Tips

Before you decide to get online and start completing a dating profile and also enjoyably browsing the members in your town, it is usually wise to take a moment to examine your readiness to enter into world of internet dating.

It's not unusual for anyone to jump right into a relationship they aren't genuinely ready for, neither is it strange for anyone to connect with a person who just isn't currently able to provide all that a relationship usually requires. In both cases, both of those people get hurt once the romantic relationship faces difficulties. Relationships are not intended to be the way to obtain our love as well as good health, instead a benefit to our own growth. As a result, it is very important to ascertain if you're in a condition fertile for that offering and also receiving of affection before getting into a romantic relationship.

A healthy relationship requires solid foundation and acknowledgement that you're a complete being, perfect within yourself, and self love is really necessary for loving others. If you're good enough to share in the offering and also receiving of love, then you're most likely ready to have a relationship. Otherwise you must invest some time as well as energy on deliberately shaping your own personality and frame of mind to become whole with your love sourced from inside instead of from the outside world and others within it.

Well, as an expert in Christian Dating and Relationships, Here are some first Date ideas when you have met a good Christian of your Dreams.

First date suggestions:

It does not matter what ages they're, Christian couples seem to be inventive, and often affordable. They want to spend time speaking but not truly feel pressure to continuously need to say some factor, either. Whilst the conventional "dinner together with a movie" offers a predictable choice to get a lot of couples, other first date suggestions provide a distinctive technique to invest time with each other.

Attending church together is really a low cost choice to get a Christian first date. If you are a every good Christian, you'll appreciate focusing on spiritual values with one another. In case you visit exactly the same church presently, this really is in handy. You are in a position to talk about the sermon or class teaching later over lunch or coffee. On the occasion you don't fellowship in the exact same church, you can take turns seeing what your date's church is like.

Visiting a museum gives you a common theme to discuss around the date. Science museums, art museums, medical museums, history museums and even children's museums can spark conversation topics that you simply may not have otherwise explored. Some museums might even offer totally free or decreased admission prices.

Written for a Christian Dating Service @ Creating the best online Dating experience with a very good Success rate!

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