Home Phone - Are They More Useful Than Cell Phones?

No too long ago, having a home phone was considered a bare necessity. this service was not only very popular but it was also found very useful both by the commoners and the elite. But, with the advent and prevalence of the mobile phones, the popularity as well as the 'perceived' utility of this service has diminished considerably. A large number of people have dumped their home phones and are using only their mobile phones. While this may really be a question of individual preference, I would emphatically say that even today, home phones are indeed still needed in homes!

I find the undergoing points very pertinent in regard to the above:

1. Calling For Help - Calling to 911 from this type of service instantly gives your exact location so that help arrives immediately in case of an emergency. Any other phone may not be able to do this service, particularly, if you are calling from an apartment. It may also be quite a traumatic experience if you have to hunt around for your mobile phone in an emergency situation. What if you forgot your phone in the car or the battery is low?

2. Voice clarity - A crisp and clear voice is indeed needed.

3. Comfort and convenience - this service provides unmatched comfort and convenience both while making and receiving calls.

4. No power? No problem! - If there's no power at home or your mobile phone battery is low, you can still reach 911 or your friends using a home phone service.

5. Choice of your web-savvy teens - Believe me, the home phone is still the first choice of your web-savvy teens.

6. Home Protection - A number of home security systems work only through landline phones. The reason for this is because the home's burglar and fire alarms are hardwired into the landline phone to automatically alert the concerned authorities. Well, the professional security companies are aware that a home phone system is truly dependable, more so in an emergency situation.

If you still think that the cost you incur on this service is rather high, you will do well to check the new bundled pricing and other incentives being offered by the companies just to retain you as a customer.

Have a balanced view while deciding whether to have a home phone or not. They may be more useful than you thought!

Fortunately for you, there are experts who offer free reports to help those who want to acquire this service.

For more information on saving money on your home phone and get a better quality service, visit Prepaid Phone Cards

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